血腥洗禮實錄 - Wikiwand AI tools Loading AI tools 血腥洗禮實錄 《血腥洗礼实录》(义大利语:Schiave bianche – Violenza in Amazzonia,英语:White Slave)[1]是一部由马里奥·格里亚绰(Mario Gariazzo)执导的1985年食人族恐怖片/爱情片,由埃尔维(Elvire Audray),威尔·冈萨雷斯(Will Gonzalez),迪克·坎贝尔(Dick Campbell)和安德烈·科波拉(Andrea Coppola)主演。 事实速览 血腥洗礼实录Schiave bianche – Violenza in Amazzonia, 基本资料 ... Schiave bianche – Violenza in Amazzonia | | 基本资料 | | 编剧 | Franco Prosperi(英语:Franco Prosperi) | | 配乐 | Franco Campanino | Edit in WikipediaRevision historyRead in Wikipedia Wikiwand in your browser! Seamless Wikipedia browsing. Every time you click a link to Wikipedia, Wiktionary or Wikiquote in your browser's search results, it will show the modern Wikiwand interface. Wikiwand extension is a five stars, simple, with minimum permission required to keep your browsing private, safe and transparent. Wikiwand for Chrome Wikiwand for Edge Wikiwand for Firefox Wikiwand ❤️ Wikipedia