

Ufotable, a renowned animation studio, has produced several commercially and critically successful works, with Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba being its most notable achievement. The anime adaptation of Demon Slayer, particularly its movie Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, has achieved unprecedented global success. Released in 2020, Mugen Train became the highest-grossing anime film of all time, earning over $500 million at the global box office. It also became the highest-grossing Japanese film ever, surpassing previous record holders like Your Name and Spirited Away.

The success of Demon Slayer can be attributed to its stunning animation, compelling storytelling, and emotional depth. The franchise has also expanded with subsequent seasons and movies, maintaining its popularity worldwide.

Another significant work from Ufotable is the Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel trilogy, which also received acclaim for its impressive animation quality and storytelling. However, the global impact of Demon Slayer remains unmatched, solidifying Ufotable’s place as one of the top anime studios in the world.

These works not only dominated the box office but also garnered high praise from both critics and audiences, making Ufotable a standout studio in the global anime industry.

